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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dragon Dictation Available as Free App!

 For individuals struggling with writing or for those who may just find pressing all the little letters on their phone difficult, here is some exciting news! Dragon Dictation is an easy-to-use voice recognition application powered by Dragon NaturallySpeaking that allows you to easily speak and instantly see your text content for everything from email messages to blog posts on your iPad™, iPhone™ or iPod touch™. 

I learned about this at the COABE conference last month in Denver (thanks to Patricia White and Klaus Neu from Arkansas) and tried it out last night. I spent the rest of the evening speaking info into my phone and texting, emailing, and Facebooking what I spoke! It was very cool, easy to use and FREE! Just search Dragon Dictation on your app store. I may even be able to Twitter now!

Is anyone else already using this for yourself or for your students? Please let me know how you're using it and if you have suggestions for educators in the field.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Lesson Organizer Database Now Available

Check out the SIPDC website which now houses a lesson organizer database filled with rich examples created over the years by educators participating in the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists.

Lesson organizers are a type of graphic organizer that has been designed and research has proven to be successful with and for students. A lesson organizer, also known as an advance organizer, provides a visual depiction of the information as it’s explained. Although it may appear to be a lesson plan, it is actually meant to be used for the student to enhance understanding and facilitate independence. A lesson organizer is part of numerous instructional strategies taught in the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists.

For more information on the Institute, or if you have questions about lesson organizers, email Sarah Goldammer at sgoldam@siue.edu. If you have additional examples of lesson organizers you are willing to share, please send them to Sarah.

For online training on advance lesson organizers, a one-hour webinar created by Neil Sturomski is available through the Illinois Community College Board iLEARN site. Email sipdctrainer@gmail.com for access to this and other online training.