Check out the Learning Disabilities Association of America's Calendar of Events to recognize LD Month this October. This calendar offers free webinars, links to great apps, and a wealth of information.
Sponsored by the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center - part of the Illinois Community College Board Service Center Network
Monday, October 10, 2016
Monday, September 26, 2016
Forum for Excellence - Sessions emphasizing Special Learning Needs
There's a great program line-up for the Forum for Excellence beginning this Wednesday at the Bloomington-Normal Marriott Hotel and Conference Center! Here are some especially great sessions that will emphasis teaching and learning for Special Learning Needs:
Special Populations Support Strategies – Beaufort
Wednesday, September 28th - 10:45-11:45am
Aime’e Julian & Casey Anderson
Bipolar Disorder: What It Means to You and Your Classroom – Fell B
Wednesday, September 28th – 1:15-2:15pm
Bevan Gibson
Technology Ideas for Classroom Instruction – Broadway
Wednesday, September 28th – 2:30-3:30pm
Heather Martin & Tara Schwab
Creating an Engaging Learning Environment – Redbird E
Thursday, September 29th – 8:30-9:30am
Kathy Young
Teaching with Multiple Intelligences “In Mind” – Redbird G
Thursday, September 29th – 9:45-10:45am
Sarah Goldammer
For more information visit:
Hope to see you at the Forum!
Monday, September 19, 2016
Parkland to be Central/Southern Host
Thanks to Parkland College for their hospitality in agreeing to host the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists training in the central/southern regions! The dates at Parkland are:
Friday, October 28, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Friday, April 14, 2017
Please contact Sarah Goldammer at for more information or to request an application.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
Friday, April 14, 2017
Please contact Sarah Goldammer at for more information or to request an application.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Olive Harvey to Host 16-17 SLN Northern Training
Thanks to Olive Harvey College for their hospitality in agreeing to host the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists training in the north! The dates at Olive Harvey are:
Friday, October 21, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Friday, March 31, 2017
Please contact Sarah Goldammer at for more information or to request an application. Dates and location for the Central/Southern group coming soon!
Friday, October 21, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Friday, March 31, 2017
Please contact Sarah Goldammer at for more information or to request an application. Dates and location for the Central/Southern group coming soon!
Friday, August 26, 2016
Bravo Dwayne Reed!
Chicago teacher pens rap song to inspirestudents...
Who wouldn't want to be a student in his class?!!
I hope this inspires you to reach your students where they are and find the joy of learning for both of you!
Have a great year!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists
Are you interested in learning strategies to help your students learn? Do you know someone who is interested? We're getting ready to form a new learning group for The
Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists (SLN).
This is an intensive training designed to enhance program capacity to meet the needs
of adults with special learning needs through the development of local resource
specialists. Participants will be
trained to serve as resources for instructional staff in their programs and
provide screening for SLN, observe the manifestations of special learning
needs, and develop appropriate instructional strategies for use by instructors
within their programs.
Locations and dates to be determined by interest
from the field
For more
information or to host this training
at your site, contact Sarah Goldammer at
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Check out these fabulous free training opportunities!
New online training: Teaching Research Skills to ESL and ABE/ASE Students
There are new training modules with resources to teach ESL and ABE/ASE students available. Email for access to these new opportunities.
Also new are technology resources for adult ed on the SIPDC YouTube channel:
Thanks to Tara Schwab and Heather Martin of Waubonsse Community College for creating these new training opportunities! Tara and Heather are fabulous teachers and Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists doing their part to improve this world!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
SignAloud: Gloves that Transliterate Sign Language into Text and Speech
Check this out!
Thomas Pryor and Navid Azodi of the University of Washington are the $10,000 Lemelson-MIT “Use it!” Undergraduate Winners for their invention SignAloud, gloves that transliterate sign language into text and speech
Monday, June 6, 2016
Fresh Ideas from the Field
Thanks to Kathy Young for sharing the following:
At McHenry County College we had a speaker who had earned her GED®
and has since gone through college and earned multiple
certificates. The speaker, Susana, explained to the students that time
management skills will help them reach their goal of passing the GED. Susana
said that she used to think that she would never have the time to study at home
since she had a family and a job. When she started keeping track of how she
used her time, she realized that she DID have time to study.
student was given a small spiral notebook. They were told that they needed to
write down what they do for three entire days. They need to keep track of how
long they spend doing certain activities. After they have recorded this
information, they will bring the spiral to school and we will look at it to see
what they could do to find the time to study. After they figure out how to
budget their activities to find the time to study, we will have them create a
schedule for the week. This schedule will include the exact time each day that
they can use for studying. The students all have assignment books from the
college so they will use these books to keep track of the dates and time frame
for school work. We will also work with them to help them set a goal that says
they will follow this schedule for two weeks. After that we will meet and see
how the plan worked and revise as needed. Susana also volunteered to come back
in a month to provide support and encouragement to the students as they work to
develop their time management skills.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
8 Tips to Boost Working Memory
Want to help your students improve their working memory? Want to improve your own? Check out these eight tips from author Amanda Morin:
1. Work on visualization skills
2. Teach someone else
3. Play games that use visual memory
4. Play cards
5. Encourage active reading
6. Chunk information into smaller bites
7. Make it multisensory
8. Help make connections
These suggestions were made for children but I adapted them slightly and suggest trying them with your adult learners. They are great ideas for ourselves to improve working memory. These will look familiar to those who have been through the SLN Institute, but it's always good to have a reminder.
Read the full article at:
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Congratulations to Special Learning Needs Resource Specialsts
Hats off to our newest SLN Resource Specialists! This is a persistent group who decided even with "lack of budget storms" raging all around, they would NOT be deterred! Congratulations on working through logistical issues and finding a way to learn and grow with and from each other making a difference in our students' lives!
Irina Cline Morton College
Alexis Lorzano Triton College
Cathy Matthews Sauk Valley Community College
Juan F. Ovalle Triton College
Antoinette Stella Triton College
Kathy Young McHenry
Community CollegeFriday, April 29, 2016
Tools from the Educator Tool Belt
Thanks to educators out there for sharing their great ideas for effective instruction - tools from their educator tool belt!
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Accommodating ALL Learners in Adult Ed
Thanks to the participants today for attending the online session Introduction to Special Learning Needs! I appreciate all of your attention and comments. Please post below ideas of ways you meet the needs of your students in your program.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Seeing Clearly - A Lesson in Empathy
For years I’ve asked participants in the Special Learning
Needs training to imagine something that is difficult for them, something they
have struggled with for years. Now imagine people you respect saying to “just
try harder” to overcome this struggle. Just try harder to overcome this
This was my attempt, as a trainer, to gain empathy for
someone who struggles with a learning disability. People have told me this was
a helpful exercise. It’s eye-opening. For my struggle, I’ve always imagined
directionality. I’m not sure why, but that part of my brain absolutely didn’t
develop. My best coping strategy before GPS was going the opposite direction of
where my brain told me to go. The other way was most likely the right way.
Last week I had an experience that was more raw, more real
for me. This is my new frame of reference.
For about 15 years I have considered LASIK surgery to
correct my very nearsighted eyes. I’m not sure what it is like to wake up in
the morning and be able to see. Since the first week of school in 1st
grade, when I had my initial vision screening, I knew I couldn’t see very well.
I knew this because a nice woman at school told me I failed the vision test.
Before being told, I didn’t know that other people saw clearer than me. I just
thought everyone’s world was fuzzy. My accommodation for 46 years has been
glasses or contacts. I am very fortunate that this particular challenge in my
life has a very nice, fairly easy answer. I can play on a level playing field
with better sighted folks because I have special lenses. Being so nearsighted
does have its challenges and especially as I age, I thought maybe there was a
better answer for me, maybe I could find a better accommodation.
LASIK screening happened for me last week after talking
about it with my local optometrist for eight years (that’s right – I just
thought about it by myself for seven years – talked about it locally for eight
more – then I made a decision to do something – please don’t judge – it does
give a window on my world). Off to LASIK land I went for a series of testing.
No worries, I’m very good at testing. I have always approached tests with
After some initial measurements of my eyes, I was placed in
an exam room sitting without my glasses. My blurred world was not alarming to
me. To be able to see, all I needed to do was reach over and pick up my
accommodation – my glasses. The optometrist walked in and even in my haze I
thought “I think he is pretty young.” Yes, as he came closer and I could
actually see his face – that would be within a foot of me – I confirmed that I
could definitely be his mother. When did they start letting doctors be so
We jumped right in and it was a short time before I was
asked to read the smallest line in front of me. Now just to clarify, I had some
strong refraction helping me in the large, very attractive accumulation of
lenses they like to play with at the eye doc’s office. You know, “which is
clearer, one or two, two or three,” and so on until they start over before
actually moving into double digits. I’ve always wondered why they don’t just
keep going. Are the larger numbers too hard to keep track of? So, again to
clarify, I can’t see the largest “E” without major help.
So I read the top line (largest) to answer the request for
smallest line I can see. I sensed this was not what he had hoped I would do. He
asked me to try the line below. I struggled but must have guessed correctly
because he rewarded my efforts by assigning yet another, smaller row for me to
“I would just be guessing.” I told the young doc. Now I
stress the young part not because I thought in any way he was incapable. He
certainly seemed like he knew what he was doing. I’ve been to many eye
appointments in my day so I feel I am competent to judge qualifications. I stress
the young part only to illustrate that pretty early on I felt he might be
feeling sorry for the “the old gal.” This only served to magnify what I was
fully knowledgeable of but just now focusing on (pun intended) for the first
time – I was failing!!
I tried to guess, only because I am a people-pleaser. I squinted
my eyes, strained my brain, tried with every fiber of myself. Yes, I tried
harder. A little voice of reason told me I was not being rational, but my
desire to please the young guy, my desire to succeed overrode the little voice.
We plowed ahead.
Five separate times I was asked to “try harder”, and five separate
times I tried as hard as I could. Silly, I know, I can try harder, but my
vision is my vision. It’s not about effort.
I felt lousy. I don’t even have adjectives to describe my
feelings. He told me good try. He was a wonderful supporter. He tried hard too.
He tried everything he had in his optometrist play book. But I knew I was
failing. I felt it in the air. I heard it in the tone of his voice.
An older, supposedly more experienced doctor came in later.
Yes, I have entered the phase of life when I assume older is better. I believe
this is called being middle aged. Oh well. Anyway, he broke the news to me. I
am not a candidate for LASIK. I wouldn’t have the desired results.
We talked for a few minutes about all the reasons that is my
reality. He patiently answered all of my questions. We were both professional
and composed. Even though the very fiber of my being yelled, “This is not fair!
How did I fail? I tried my hardest!”
I truly was bummed. I had allowed myself to dream of seeing
without extra lenses. As I drove home (think Mr. Magoo), I processed what
happened to me. I am blessed, I can reach over and put on accommodation and the
world comes into focus for me. But for a few minutes last week, I felt the pain
of trying my hardest and failing. That pit in my gut when I realized my best is
not good enough. Yes, I’ve been picked last numerous times for the kickball
teams back in the day, but most of my experiences have been about trying hard
and succeeding. This time it didn’t matter how hard I tried.
One of the many things I love teaching teachers about
special learning needs, is that I feel I help them to think differently about
approaching their students. It’s not about trying harder; it’s about trying
differently. My story illustrates that very point. I could keep squinting and
trying harder or I can go about seeing in a different way. The latter has
proven successful. The former just makes me feel lousy.
Asking someone to try in conventional ways when their brain
is not wired to process conventionally is the same silliness as asking me to
see clearly when my eyes are not shaped to see 20/20. We both need
accommodations to succeed.
To all you fabulous teachers out there, thanks for helping
your students to learn differently. Thanks for giving them the pathway to
success. Thanks for helping them SEE!
For anyone wanting more information about helping your
students, please email me at
for many options including free, online training we have available through the
Southern Illinois Professional Development Center.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Smart on the Inside - another great read!
Wow, I have been reading some fabulous books lately. I recently told you about Neil Sturomski's book, Scrambled, which I found gave great insight into the world of someone with a learning disability. Please read my review of Scrambled on Amazon:
My latest read is Smart on the Inside by Eileen Gold Kushner as told by Kathy Young. Kathy is a talented and giving teacher from McHenry County College in Crystal Lake, Illinois.Kathy is also a current participant in the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists! What an inspiration this book is! I know Kathy is a motivator to her students and helps them to succeed by meeting them where they are and teaching them to move forward in their own strengths! Check out this book at:
My latest read is Smart on the Inside by Eileen Gold Kushner as told by Kathy Young. Kathy is a talented and giving teacher from McHenry County College in Crystal Lake, Illinois.Kathy is also a current participant in the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists! What an inspiration this book is! I know Kathy is a motivator to her students and helps them to succeed by meeting them where they are and teaching them to move forward in their own strengths! Check out this book at:
Monday, April 4, 2016
SLN Group Meets at Triton College
With the budget constraints in Illinois this year and everyone taking on additional responsibilities at their programs to make ends meet, there are plenty of reasons to delay additional training with added projects and coursework.
Thanks to the individuals below and to their programs for saying, "Special Learning Needs training is too important to delay. I'm going to sign up and do the work no matter what is in my way!"
The groups pictured below met last Friday at Triton College where they worked hard and supported each other in their learning. Thanks each of them for supporting their students and using so much time and energy to ensure their students' success! What a tenacious and FUN group!
Thanks also to our fabulous host, Triton College!
Thanks to the individuals below and to their programs for saying, "Special Learning Needs training is too important to delay. I'm going to sign up and do the work no matter what is in my way!"
The groups pictured below met last Friday at Triton College where they worked hard and supported each other in their learning. Thanks each of them for supporting their students and using so much time and energy to ensure their students' success! What a tenacious and FUN group!
Thanks also to our fabulous host, Triton College!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Online training opportunity - tell your colleagues
Introduction to Special Learning Needs (SLN)
Join this overview to look at the difference between learning preferences, learning difficulties and a learning disability as well as taking a look at learning styles. Strategies for effective instruction and providing an engaging learning environment for individuals with special learning needs and for ALL learners will be explored.
Online learning opportunity – completion of this session and a short application assignment will result in one Certificate of Participation to fulfill the Illinois Community College Board's yearly professional development requirement.
This session is presented online via Go To Training. There is no cost to attend.
Any questions should be addressed to Southern Illinois Professional Development or call Sarah or Colleen at 618-650-2254
Monday, March 28, 2016
Check out this new book by Neil Sturomski!
So excited this morning because my copy of Neil Sturomski's new book, Scrambled, just arrived! Neil is the co-creator of the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists. You can visit Neil's website to order your copy:
Here's the scoop:
SƆRAMBLƎD exemplifies
the struggles faced by many individuals with learning disabilities. Its main
character – Matt Walsh – is a twenty-something adult whose learning disability
is the root cause of persistent angst, frustration and turmoil as he tries
desperately to achieve, to succeed both in his career – and in his personal
Here's the scoop:
A Novel
By Neil Sturomski
The novel attempts
to describe Matt’s inner-most thoughts as he works to better himself and
overcome his skill deficits. His anxiety – and life’s common distractions –
often get the better of him as he strives to move up the ladder toward career
In addition to
coping with his work-related issues, Matt has fallen in love with Sarah – a
beautiful and talented woman with a budding medical career. She is fully aware
of Matt’s learning issues, loves him for his perseverance and his innate
talents, and supports his desire and efforts at improvement. But, Matt’s love
for Sarah causes him additional anxiety. He needlessly worries that he can’t
meet her expectations. And he fears moving forward with her until he can
provide financially for her and the family they both want.
pages of SƆRAMBLƎD will
show you how Matt perseverates on his difficulties. You’ll meet individuals who
play a role in Matt’s life, realize the opportunities they present, and learn
how Matt reacts to them. You’ll see how his strength of will helps him succeed
and how his fears almost undo all of his hard work. And you’ll see how his
intense love for Sarah both energizes and nearly paralyzes him. In the end,
does Matt truly succeed? Is he able to gain control over his learning, his
career, his personal life? These questions, and more, are all answered in “SƆRAMBLÆŽD”.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Just Stepping Stones to Greatness
Shark Tank Fans Take Note!
If you're like me and love the TV show, Shark Tank, or if you just want to learn more about learning issues and how to help and inspire, check out this interview on the website

This from LDA: Behind just about every successful entrepreneur is a strong support network. And that's certainly true of Shark Tank's Daymond John. Daymond John and his mom sat down to share stories about his path to success. In this exclusive video series, we learn how John has thrived in spite of-or perhaps because of-his learning differences. The entrepreneur and his mom discuss his learning issues and how they were "just stepping stones to greatness."
If you're like me and love the TV show, Shark Tank, or if you just want to learn more about learning issues and how to help and inspire, check out this interview on the website
This from LDA: Behind just about every successful entrepreneur is a strong support network. And that's certainly true of Shark Tank's Daymond John. Daymond John and his mom sat down to share stories about his path to success. In this exclusive video series, we learn how John has thrived in spite of-or perhaps because of-his learning differences. The entrepreneur and his mom discuss his learning issues and how they were "just stepping stones to greatness."
Friday, February 19, 2016
Elements of Effective Instruction
The Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists 2016 is in full swing with a highly motivated and persistent group determined to learn all they can to better serve their students with or without funding!
Today we discussed elements of effective instruction and some of the key areas were:
Today we discussed elements of effective instruction and some of the key areas were:
- Establish consistent classroom routines
- Make expectations clear
- Develop and follow lesson structure
- Demonstrate activities
- Emphasize the use of techniques/strategies
- Use effective questioning
- Provide many opportunities for practice
- Provide consistent and useful feedback
- Review previously learned materials
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Putting the ‘special’ in specially designed math instruction
The LD Source provided this resource earlier today: Putting the "special" in specially designed math instruction.
I think this is a great resource so I wanted to provide it to you, but I'm also sharing this because this type of instruction has been shared and will be shared again this year in the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists. It's not too late to join this year's group. We'll focus on what our students CAN do and how to help them unlock their potential with a plethora of practical, research-based learning strategies.
Email Sarah at for more information. Check out the link above to give you a 2016 inspiration for instruction!
I think this is a great resource so I wanted to provide it to you, but I'm also sharing this because this type of instruction has been shared and will be shared again this year in the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists. It's not too late to join this year's group. We'll focus on what our students CAN do and how to help them unlock their potential with a plethora of practical, research-based learning strategies.
Email Sarah at for more information. Check out the link above to give you a 2016 inspiration for instruction!
Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists
Special learning needs training will begin later
this month online. Triton College will host the two in-person sessions
later this spring. It's not too late to join the group. Contact Sarah
Goldammer at the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center ASAP
if you are interested or need more information -
Monday, January 4, 2016
Tribute to Nancie Payne
For those of us fortunate to know Nancie Payne and to
be blessed by her wisdom and wit, we are sorry to learn of her passing. I am
providing a link to her funeral information as she will be remembered later
today in Washington. Nancie has made the world a better place by sharing her
knowledge and encouraging those of us attempting to learn from her and to
emulate her kind and comprehensive approach to helping others learn and develop.
I tip my hat to a wonderful gal full of love and compassion. My sympathies to
her family.
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