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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

8 Tips to Boost Working Memory

Want to help your students improve their working memory? Want to improve your own? Check out these eight tips from author Amanda Morin:

1. Work on visualization skills
2. Teach someone else
3. Play games that use visual memory
4. Play cards
5. Encourage active reading
6. Chunk information into smaller bites
7. Make it multisensory
8. Help make connections

These suggestions were made for children but I adapted them slightly and suggest trying them with your adult learners. They are great ideas for ourselves to improve working memory. These will look familiar to those who have been through the SLN Institute, but it's always good to have a reminder.

Read the full article at: https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/learning-at-home/homework-study-skills/8-working-memory-boosters?utm_campaign=partner&utm_source=lda&utm_medium=email&utm_content=may&utm_source=Understood+May+2016+Campaign&utm_campaign=Understood-May+2016&utm_medium=emailhttps://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/learning-at-home/homework-study-skills/8-working-memory-boosters?utm_campaign=partner&utm_source=lda&utm_medium=email&utm_content=may&utm_source=Understood+May+2016+Campaign&utm_campaign=Understood-May+2016&utm_medium=email

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Congratulations to Special Learning Needs Resource Specialsts

Hats off to our newest SLN Resource Specialists! This is a persistent group who decided even with "lack of budget storms" raging all around, they would NOT be deterred! Congratulations on working through logistical issues and finding a way to learn and grow with and from each other making a difference in our students' lives!

Irina Cline                Morton College                              
Alexis Lorzano         Triton College                                 
Cathy Matthews       Sauk Valley Community College
Juan F. Ovalle          Triton College                                 
Antoinette Stella      Triton College                                 
Kathy Young             McHenry Community College