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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Diagnostic-Prescriptive Teaching and Test Taking Skills from Diann Duke

Thanks to Diann Duke, GED Director, Peoria Adult Transition Center and Peoria County Jail, and participant in the Special Learning Needs group meeting at Parkland College for her advice and for sharing her individualized plan for her students.

“I am teaching strategies for test taking and when attempting any learning or output.  Our students haven't been successful in traditional school but many are very intelligent - they haven't picked up some valuable skills/strategies to support them in learning, retaining and demonstrating what they know.

I apply Diagnostic-Prescriptive teaching during this process by observing students while they are instructed and when they are being tested, taking notes that apply to them individually (such as use of tools available, pacing during a test, etc.) and making an individualized plan (short, beginning with simple strategies they can master and moving up to more intricate strategies as they develop skills).  I either meet with them or communicate through notes which include instructors who have that day to day contact and opportunity to reinforce what we are attempting to embed in student performance.