Preparing Students with ASD for College and Career
As the number of students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continues to rise, many students with ASD are now graduating from high school with the goal of entering postsecondary education and the workforce. Unfortunately, research indicates that most graduates with autism will have “a difficult time following high school for almost any outcome you choose – working, continuing school, living independently, socializing and participating in the community, and staying healthy and safe. To complicate matters, many such youth begin their journey into adulthood by stepping off a services cliff” (Roux, et al, 2015, p. 8). Part of this might be understood as resulting from the limited availability of appropriate services in adulthood. But some of the responsibility can be attributed to the limited or, at times, simply inadequate, transition programming provided by schools.
Join ICSPS for a day of exploring resources, discussing strategies and engaging in dialogue around supporting students with ASD as they transition to postsecondary and the workforce. This day long workshop will explore the Autism Training and Technical Assistance (ATTA) project – the resources that have been developed to be used by students with ASD, their family members, secondary and postsecondary educators and staff, employers, and members of the community, to better understand the transition process, the unique barriers faced by individuals with ASD, and to assist in working towards or providing equitable access in the workplace/postsecondary setting.
April 26, 2019
9:30am – 2:30pm
Holiday Inn & Suites
3202 East Empire Street
Bloomington, IL 61704
9:30am – 2:30pm
Holiday Inn & Suites
3202 East Empire Street
Bloomington, IL 61704
Event Flyer:
This website might be helpful for those adult students in our classes.
ReplyDeleteThey have a toolkit and even discuss how to ask for accommodations on this website. I think it will be helpful to teachers too.
This website also provided resources and a video that can help students who want to transition.