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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Advance Organizer 101

Check out a new online training available on the iLEARN site! Advance Organizer 101 is training directly from national expert Neil Sturomski. 

A graphic organizer is a great learning and teaching tool! An advance organizer uses a visual depiction of the information as it’s explained and helps individuals classify previously learned material with new information in an organized way. 
This training is available online and qualifies for Illinois adult education professional development hours. Email sipdctrainer@gmail.com and ask for the code to sign up for this free training.

1 comment:

  1. My students have been provided with different styles of graphic organizers by me, and they have, in their own ways, found some unique ways to utilize them. I wouldn't mind finding out more about how to use them well - our use has been simply trial and error, so I appreciate your telling us all about this training.
