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Monday, January 27, 2020

Inclusive Learning in the Classroom: How to Create the Right Environment

Inclusive Learning in the Classroom: How to Create the Right Environment - an article by Joseph Lathan, PhD

Click here for full article. It's a short but informative read. Here's the quick takeaways for us as educators.

Use Varied Teaching Strategies

Reflect Diversity in Your Teachings

Employ Collaborative Teaching Techniques

That sounds like a lot of Adult Ed teachers I know! Take seven minutes, read the article and think of one more way you can ensure you have created the RIGHT environment for your learners.


  1. Thank you for sharing, Sarah! I think this short article reminds us to be cognizant of HOW we teach as much as what we teach. So many times, we become familiar with material and the "lesson" the way we've always taught it, but there is such benefit it re-working a lesson to change up methods, media, viewpoint, etc. Each class is different- different dynamics, different backgrounds and cultures, different skill levels, and different points of view. Great motivation to always improve as instructors to ensure that all students benefit!
